Thursday, June 18, 2009


When we think of love we think of Romeo and Juliet. Something that's passionate and forbidden, somewhere in our past we associated love with lust. Today as I was listening to Lady Gaga I was thinking to myself really what do you mean Love is sex? It's the way

That can be part of it but love is what's after, it's what makes it through the worst of storms.
It's so many things that we think it's not. It's sticking by someone no matter if they hurt you or treat you well.  Love is a connection that you can pull on in the worst situations. It's standing there saying I'm here, I'm for you no matter what....

True love lets freedom reign....I'm ok with you being free around me I don't need to control you, you don't need to be anything other then who you are.

True Love can come with and emotion but it's more like a life time position. Love is the fundemental element to every living thing. With out it there would be nothing. Here are some of my thoughts on what Love truly is about.

Love means:

Moving Towards not Away
Light not Darkness
Fight not Surrender
Freedom not Slavery
Kindness not Hate
Beginning not End
Courage not Cowardess
Creation not Destruction
Fly not Grounded
Family not Isolation
Life not Death

Love is what keeps us breathing, moving, and growing. It's the essance of who we are and what we are created for...Love is God and God is Love

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