Thursday, June 18, 2009


When we think of love we think of Romeo and Juliet. Something that's passionate and forbidden, somewhere in our past we associated love with lust. Today as I was listening to Lady Gaga I was thinking to myself really what do you mean Love is sex? It's the way

That can be part of it but love is what's after, it's what makes it through the worst of storms.
It's so many things that we think it's not. It's sticking by someone no matter if they hurt you or treat you well.  Love is a connection that you can pull on in the worst situations. It's standing there saying I'm here, I'm for you no matter what....

True love lets freedom reign....I'm ok with you being free around me I don't need to control you, you don't need to be anything other then who you are.

True Love can come with and emotion but it's more like a life time position. Love is the fundemental element to every living thing. With out it there would be nothing. Here are some of my thoughts on what Love truly is about.

Love means:

Moving Towards not Away
Light not Darkness
Fight not Surrender
Freedom not Slavery
Kindness not Hate
Beginning not End
Courage not Cowardess
Creation not Destruction
Fly not Grounded
Family not Isolation
Life not Death

Love is what keeps us breathing, moving, and growing. It's the essance of who we are and what we are created for...Love is God and God is Love

Thursday, June 4, 2009


With wings like an eagle soaring into the reaches of the universe expanding our vision in an instant.

Leaving the confines of physical earth to widen into the great unknown that now in an instant no longer feels like a distant hazy dream.

There we touch the reality of what had only been a hope. In the arms of a lover we rest. No more pain, tears, or sorrow. Those, now seeming but an illusion of time long ago.

With one breathe filling every molecule with fragrance not found on a mortal ball. There a tangible, exquisite taste of things beyond wild dreams.

Entering into a reality that's far superior with access to all things. Most of all face-to-face with the one who has created all and knows all.

Now forever to walk on a sea with depths of touchable colors. Staying there in the lap of a Father, Lover, and best friend.

It will be missed this glorious form of God on this earth but will be joined soon because eternity is only a second away... for you mom luv u








Did you hear that sound?
The sound of the door opening to my heart.
It's been shut for so long I had forgotten where I hidden the key.
I guess you found it.
I closed that door for a reason.
There was pain behind that door, monsters that ate at my soul and broke my heart.
How could it be the dream that I had resisted for so many years now is being opened again.
I had lost hope for my fairytale.
The dreams of romance long dead.
Why do you have to raise it from the grave?
Don't awaken love before its time haven't you heard?
Those imaginations that little girls have of breath taking love are what storybooks are for.
You're telling me that it's real?
Please let this not be a cruel joke.
I don't think I can weather another heartbreak.
As it is my heart is of fragile glass once broken over and over into millions of pieces.
Now that its whole don't let it go to waste.
Give it to the one who will keep it into eternity.
Don't tell me something that is not true.
Don't speak hope and then lies happen.
For my heart is awake and it can't take too much more.

My Son

My Son


 I choked on the smell of blood as it dripped down my face but I didn’t care. He was my son!!

Dying in a place where I couldn’t reach him. Oh, how he use to love it when I held him as a little boy. His soft little hands holding onto my face

 Today it was such a terrible day. My son was hanging on two pieces of wood beaten, bruised, and dying. My mind was numb as the tears streamed down my face.

 I clung to his feet as if that would bring him any sort of comfort. I tried to wipe blood off of his feet with a piece of white linen someone had given me. I don’t even remember it being placed in my hands.

 It was beginning to rain. I could hear thunder and the earth felt like it was trembling but I barely noticed. All I could do was cry.

 Suddenly, this strange noise filled the air, it was like a desperate screaming from somewhere deep inside. I realized that it was coming from me, I was crying out for my son.

 Where the prophets wrong? How could this be? My son the Messiah, King of the Jews, dying!! This must be a mistake, something went wrong!

 As this hideous groaning continued from the very core of me I felt a tugging. Arms were gently trying to pry me away from the feet of my son. My arms were flailing now, resisting the tug.

 No, No!! Came the scream from me.

 I looked up at the face I loved. My son, Jesus, for an instant I caught his eye. As he stared into my eyes it was as if time stood still. My screaming stopped and I was quiet. I saw deep into his eyes the reason. The prophets were right, he would save us but not the way we all thought.

 I no longer saw his broken, bruised body but I saw a glorious King. With his eyes he told the story of love and I could no longer resist his departure. So, with my eyes I told him how much I loved him and we let go and I watched as my son breathed his final breath.










 This is for all my future readers I am now coming out as a writer spreading my wings to start exploring the intricacies which is me. As I post my heart on this wall please feel free to express yours because I enjoy to hear all the opinions and thoughts that float deep inside the subconscious. Please read with an open mind to explore a world you may have never seen before as we take a journey into the unknown together.....