Silence stands between your heart and mine. From across the room you say so much without saying anything at all.
How will this story end?
So tragically like all the times before or will you step into a dance with me?
Don’t let fear stop you from a story of love with me.
For I see your heart and read your mind.
The loneliness you hold can be shattered with one kiss.
Don’t hide behind the mask of impossible love in far away lands.
Hold onto the real flesh that stands before you waiting for an embrace.
Will this tragic love once more rejoice at my expense?
Making fun of all the memories we never made.
Will this tragic love abound in joy over our near union?
Laughing at the time wasted loving.
Loving is never a waste even if it’s never returned.
Real love does not need reciprocation it flows continually always giving from an endless source.
If we never tell each other true words in real time I want you to know my love for you.
With your broken heart, through your pain I love the all of who you are and who you are suppose to be.
I never thought that this kind of feeling could once more live inside of me so for that I thank you.
For without so much as a simple touch you awakened hope inside of me once again.
I don’t fear our future and I won’t forget our past.
For if it was just a moment of breath that I share with you it was more then enough.
You inspired me to breath again, to believe again, to dream again…to fly again.
No matter how our lives play out in part I owe the dreams to you.
You may never be able to give me what I wanted from you but you inspired a new song in me.
I will not try to convenience you with words or actions but just love. I will love you with a supernatural love.
You’ve inspired me to become the more that I am today and for that I am eternally grateful.
As I leave our brief moments I will kiss the wind and tell it all the secrets of my heart.
It will carry the desires that were so deep inside and take then to the ends of the earth where our love story will never be told.
With the wind will go my desire for you but what remains will be a new hope of a new day.
So goodbye to you and the brief life we shared.
I will see you on the other side of love.
When the one I fall in love with will be the one who falls in love with me.
No more chasing maybes and some days but walking out nows and forevers.
So goodbye to you my love….